Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"The Murph"

10/15/08 WOD The Murph
Run 1 mile
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile

Break up sets as needed

The first time I attempted this was 9/11/08 at Crossfit, Monrovia.
At that time, I was still new to Crossfit. Everyday was hugely challenging. I became very aware that although tall and thin, I was NOT in shape. And my worst body part was my arms. I remember my first day for the warm-up we had to do 10 pushups. It literally took me almost 3 minutes to complete! How embarrassing!

Enter "The Murph" wherein I would be asked to do 100 pullups (also virtually impossible for me) and 200 pushups among other things.

I could barely do 20 girl style pushups at this point; now you want me to do 200? It was SO hard! I struggled and struggled to get through these. My arms started to give out on me when I still had about 100 pushups to go. Literally, I could barely do even one more. At one point, I just started bawling! No one was in the room (because they were already all running their 2nd mile--while I struggled alone). I just cried and cried while I did my last 50 air squats--still having 30 pushups to go.(I had completed the pull-ups at this time.)

Mikey, a trainee, was the only one who saw me cry--thank god! Anyway, I pushed through the squat while crying. I was humiliated and humbled.

Eric, one of the owners (who is such a cool guy) helped push me through my last set of pushups. The last 10, I did "half" girl pushups. That's how hard I was struggling to do this.

My time to complete the entire Murph was something like 1 hr 20 mins. I was the worst in the class! Everyone else had long completed.

Today, just barely 1 month later, I am visiting Wilmington, NC. I have been attending Crossfit here with a terrific group of people. I broke this up today into 10 sets of 10 Pull Ups, 20 Push Ups and 30 Squats. I managed 40 real what I call "man style" pushups before needing to revert to pushups on my knees. I did all my pullups with a giant rubberband, but I did them. And it was only the last 10 which were nearly impossible. I'd do one, then have to rest, one then have to rest.

But I got through all my damned pushups! No crying! And my arms, although tired, didn't give out on me this time. This is a huge improvement!

I knocked off a lot of time!!

Today I finished in 1 hr 7 mins.

What a win!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fun With Weights

I never thought I'd get into weight lifting. Crossfit Wilmington seems to really focus on this, and it's been great for me! And you sweat a lot more than you might think.

Crossfit WOD 10/10

OHS (Overhead Squats) 5-5-5-5-5
FS (Front Squats) 5-5-5-5-5
BS (Back Squats) 5-5-5-5-5
Take all to max

My max weights were: OHS 105/FS 125/ OHS 145

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Keys to a Happy Life

You know, I've noticed that the harder I work, the happier I am. I think that's why I'm into fitness; because it's such hard work!

I've noticed at work, if I didn't give 110%, I'm disappointed and bored. Same goes for Crossfit or running.

There is nothing better than pouring sweat after Crossfit with your arms and legs feeling like Jello. You just KNOW that you're going to be sore for days. And you just KNOW the next time you have to do whatever it was you did today, you'll be that much better at it.

Someone said that the difference between professional athletes and amateurs is their tolerance for pain. I'm trying to build up my tolerance. I'm still way too much of a wimp for my own taste, but I'm improving.

I ran 400 meter sprints today in 1.5 mins each. That would be a 6 minute mile if I could keep that pace the entire time. It hurt like hell, but boy did it feel good to do it.

I'm running another 1/2 marathon this weekend--maybe I'll even do more--we'll see.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Completed Half Marathon

Did over 13 miles (not sure exact amount)
2 hrs 20 mins

Prepping for Half Marathon

Ran 8 miles today in 1 hr 14 mins

Friday, October 3, 2008

Crossfit and Hydrogen-On-Demand

Crossfit WOD 09/29
28 Squat Thrusters at 95 lbs. (Women's Standard)
28 Pull Ups
I did the Squat Thrusters at 65 lbs. (Hard as shit!)
Did the pull-ups with the aid of a giant rubber-band.

Crossfit WOD 10/01
Deadlifts (Bodyweight) plus push ups from same bar as many as you can in 20 mins.
I did 35 (130 lbs) That was tough for me!

Crossfit WOD 10/02
Women's Standard 155lbs overhead--walk as far as you can--2 attempts
Broad Jump--2 attempts
Farmers Walk--Women's standard 24kg kettle bells--walk as far as you can
Run 1.5 mi for time.

I attempted 125 lbs. overhead, but couldn't lift it. Settled for 105. Walked 105'
First try, did 95 lbs., made it about 300'.
Broad Jump 6'
Farmer's Walk--did amazingly well--674'
1.5 miles 11:47

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