Well all right, I did it! I ran the Mt. Wilson Trail in 1:38:41. I was 11th in my age group, the 27th woman, and 118th overall. I'll take it.
But today as I got home, wrote the above data on my bib and pinned it to my ever growing "wall of bibs" I had to stop and think for a minute. "Wow."
All I can think is "wow". Not even one short year ago, I was smoking a pack a day, and although I considered myself a runner, I had never entered a race. Now I've run 9 races...usually finishing at least in the top third.
I am so grateful. The universe brings people to you when you are ready. Fate smiled on me that lucky day that my roommate, Lisa brought me to my first CrossFit class.
So much has happened since then. A 35lb kettlebell, once terrifying, is now doable. And although wall balls still push me to my limits, I know I can do them. I am no longer the last one in the class to finish when the WOD calls for them.
All of my max loads in weightlifting have increased tremendously. I know what the Burgener Warmup is.
I am interning at TCA, and am coaching a small group of bootcampers in Sunland with the full knowledge, help and blessings of Coaches LeClair and Ortiz.
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to give back freely what was so freely given to me--and I thank the universe for my good fortune to have such amazing people leading my way.
I am changing the lives of others. I've already lifted someone up from the depths of depression hell.
My confidence is tenfold.
I am no longer afraid of CrossFit. Even the hardest workout, I know I can get through, or at least make my best attempt at doing it to standard. In other words, I am tough now. I am strong. I am willing. I fight.
I know I will suffer. I know it will be hard as hell. I am okay with that now.
For me, Team CrossFit Academy is a miracle.
I am grateful for that.
Congratulations Shannon, in one year you have completely turned your life around.
It's wonderfully inspiring to watch!
Wonderful post Shannon.
You have a strong head and big heart.
Know this..you will NEVER go back to that old life..it's done.
See you soon...or at least at the next race.
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